Aleksi Campaign

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Doors @ 7:00 PM | Music 7:30 - 8:45 PM (PST)

$20 Donation (Twenty Dollars/Person)

Here is what I will provide:

  • The Bootleg is in Sacramento’s Hollywood Park Neighborhood (Just South of Sac City College) - address will be provided in your reservation confirmation email.

  • Fantastic live music surrounded by fellow music lovers.

  • A raised stage in the indoor/outdoor space of the Bootleg Tiki Lounge.

  • Seating will be provided.

  • Plenty of street parking.

Here is what you are asked to provide:

  • Your appreciation of the music and the Artists who share their gifts and hearts with us.

  • You are free to BYO Food & Beverage, however I do not provide a “share table”. You bring it, you eat/drink it. Unless it’s really good tequila or bourbon, then you can share it w/ me.

Here is what I ask that you NOT bring: Your 4-legged family. Yes, my two, small, hypoallergenic fur babies will be running around, but they live here. :-) Thank you for understanding.

Aleksi Campagne RSVP Form: